From the Mayor's Desk
Published on 09 March 2021
It is pleasing to see development applications being presented to the Council. This is a positive indication of growth in the Shire. Two significant approvals in February was for a feedlot at North Star and a new whelping shed at a dog breeding facility.
Congratulations also to David Bourne and his helpers for opening the doors of the Commercial Hotel. A closed business is not a good look for a town. Well done.
Gwydir Shire will welcome the Olympic training squad of the Women’s Rugby Sevens. The team will be housed in Bingara and training at Gwydir Oval. Visits will be made to Warialda and the Councillors will have the opportunity to meet the squad at an informal dinner. The visit is the result of a suggestion to the team by Maddison Eastcott through her friend Rhiannon Byers who is in the development squad and obviously knocking on the door of Olympic representation. Rhiannon is a former student of Warialda High School. The public is invited to watch the women’s squad train.
A further favourable development last week was the announcement by the ARTC of the construction camp to be built at North Star to support the construction of the section of Inland Rail between North Star and the border. This is great news for the local community.
Gwydir Shire continues to remain COVID free. The vaccine rollout will commence soon in the Shire and I urge residents to take the jab when it comes available.
John Coulton. Mayor. Gwydir Shire Council.