Youth Services


Youth Assistance

The Gwydir Youth Service offers a range of services to young people aged 12 to 24 years living in the Gwydir Shire. Young people have access to mentoring, assistance with Services Australia claims and account set up, advocacy and referral and The Youth Exchange Program.  The Gwydir Youth Service works with outside agencies to assist young people in gaining the skills they will need for their future.

 Available – Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5pm by appointment.

 Contact, Sue Smoothy - 0408 454 813


Gwydir Youth Council

Gwydir Youth Council was formed in 2019. The main purpose of the Youth Council is to:

  • Create a direct means of communication with the Gwydir Shire Council.
  • Create opportunities for the youth of our Shire to come together and connect with one another through activities and functions catered to their specific needs.

Youth Council Profiles.pdf(PDF, 10MB)

The Gwydir/Willoughby Exchange

The exchange program started in December 1994 and has been held on an annual basis ever since. Students from Willoughby travel to the Gwydir Shire to enjoy a taste of the good life in the country, explore our shire and participate in the Orange Festival. In return our young people have the opportunity to travel to Sydney later in the year to take part in the Willoughby Spring Fair as well as many other activities.